Re: Sonic Nirvana - How to Build Kick Pods in Classic Chevy Truck
Let's step back a moment and talk about what we are trying to achieve when it comes to accurate sound reproduction.
First and foremost, everyone of us has been to a concert at one time or another, and when we have been at a concert, the performers are in front of us and up on a stage. Notice what I am saying as this is a key point: The performers are in front of us, usually at eye level and up on a stage.
Therefore, the goal of car audio, is to try and replicate this "stage like" effect up in front of us...or in this case, over the top of the dash and as far forward in the vehicle as possible. In essence, we are trying to create an illusion of the performers up over the front hood of our trucks just as if we were at a real concert.
Which...creates a big problem already! There is no place for speakers on the front hoods of our trucks and no room for huge subwoofers anywhere in the truck except behind the seats. And subwoofers behind the seats already presents us with our first handicap since there are no performers in a front stage performance playing bass notes or drums from behind us!!! We're doomed before we start. Or are we?
To combat this problem, acoustical engineers have been playing with many different designs and remedies to this 'front stage" objective. This post is not going to go into too many of these complex issues, since all you and I care about is how to get decent sound out of our old trucks...specifically the kick pods.
Suffice it to say, speaker size, choice, location and alignment are critical in our quest for sonic perfection.