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Old 02-16-2017, 08:14 AM   #11
Grumpy old man
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Re: How many have restored trucks and left their front drum brakes?

Lots of guys still run drum brakes , It's called not over driving your equipment . Your truck made it 50 years with those old drums I'd be willing to bet they'll continue to work just fine , So many seem to forget these are 50 year old TRUCKS dropping them on the ground , adding 500 hp , 4 wheel discs , low profile tires and then asking why it leaning ? or why is the fuel mileage so bad ? It's still a 50 year old truck that wasn't designed for the "normal" driving conditions of today . I keep reading threads about guys suggesting to add an extra spring pad or drop block to correct lean , That's not correcting anything your frames still tweaked your just correcting appearance not the problem . So many of us grew up driving MANUAL DRUM brake equipped cars and trucks But the young guys never did and when they first experience 50 year old brake technology it can scare the *&#% out of them . A ground up restoration has that designation for a reason ...
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