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Old 02-17-2017, 08:02 PM   #1
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Posts: 39
1949 Chevy 3600 Wiring

need some help here. I am sure it is pretty simple but a rookie to wiring on this old truck. Its a 6volt system. I have 2 wires that ran down the drivers side frame but then draped down to the ground. I have been able to tap into 1 wire that shows 6 volt and run it pig tailed to both lights. Pull the headlight switch on and I have lights. whohoo.

Now onto what I do with the Black wires from each tail light?

Also any clue what the second wire is that ran in tandom with the hot wire. I put the meter on it and I get nothing. I had the misses step on the brake and nothing.

any advice you have would be great.

Last edited by mytruck1949; 02-17-2017 at 08:07 PM.
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