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Old 02-18-2017, 10:40 AM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Chesapeake va
Posts: 9
FNG from Va....good morning

How's everyone this morning? Just wanted to say hi, been lurking around in the shadows for sometime now and figured it was time, I'm currently working on my first chevy truck,it's a 66 suburban I drug back to Va from California, I'm in the proscess of swapping in the suspension from a 87 Silverado,should have it back on its feet this weekend, then a crate motor 700r4 and off on my 12th or 13th Powertour, I've lost track....
Hi everyone, thanks to the powers that be for running the site, it's been my go to place when ever I needed to figure something out, and hope to be able to contribute to this vast knowledge base some day....Fred
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