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Old 02-18-2017, 11:52 PM   #29
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Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Puyallup
Posts: 77
Re: 1968 C-20 with 67,000 OG Miles Build Log/ Thread

damn, calling it a night for now but spent the evening doing a little engine detailing since i had to replace the manifolds as they were cracked...

Just for comparisons sake here is the engine at the start, minus the valve covers and filter:

68 c20 by James Webber, on Flickr

And here are some progress shots from tonight, i spent yesterday painting the wheel wells and also spent some time spraying some black onto the frame, but still needs more love and time on the frame:

Untitled by James Webber, on Flickr

New manifolds:

Untitled by James Webber, on Flickr

Painting the manifolds also the heat shields for the plug wires:

Untitled by James Webber, on Flickr

Untitled by James Webber, on Flickr

Cracked ya think?

Untitled by James Webber, on Flickr

While I had them off I might as well spray a little orange on the block right?

Untitled by James Webber, on Flickr
Untitled by James Webber, on Flickr

Finished for now, still need to bolt up the drivers side manifold to the exhaust, tricky little area to do in the dark, Ill get some better pictures once I get the alternator bracket reinstalled

Untitled by James Webber, on Flickr
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