Thread: Carb Question
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Old 02-20-2017, 01:45 AM   #7
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Re: Carb Question

Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post
I turned them in one at a time--the left hand one bottomed out and there was no change in the engine--no bogging down or stumbling. The right hand screw didn't bottom out before screwing it in caused the engine to stumble and spit after which I backed it out. This difference had me curious.

I'll re-check the timing this week but I drove it yesterday first thing and didn't have any problems--later in the day I drove it again and it started dying when I came to a stop. Pull out the choke and pump it and it would re-start. Without the choke it would not start, just cranked. After finding this I started putzing with the mixture screws and found the above mentioned condition with the left hand one (as you look from the front of the truck).

Note that per the original post it never seemed to run super smooth when accelerating. Felt a little rough which made me believe either a timing or perhaps even an overly rich condition....

Note as well no real evidence of the float setting being an issue--at least nothing indicating it was set to high for example.
It runs rough due to lack of timing.
And your lack of timing makes Your mix screws not react because you have the idle turned up enough to allow it to idle which totally exposes the idle transfer slot and you're idling on the power circuit. A side effect is it runs rich. Nothing wrong with the float.
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