Pinion yoke leak
When I removed the drive shaft on my 68 to take the trans out in preparation of replacing the flex plate I noticed the rear end yoke was leaking at the lock nut. Rear end grease was seeping out the splines and slinging out and making a mess. I had previously changed the pinion seal and had forgotten to put any RTV sealer where the yoke slides on the pinion. I measured the threads protruding from the nut, marked the nut and yoke with a chisel and ran the nut off with an impact. removed the thick washer under the nut and cleaned the area with carb cleaner. I used Permatex Gear Oil gasket maker, #81182. It's supposed to not be affected by the gear lube. I replaced the thick washer and nut, bumping it on with the impact. I used my calipers to measure the threads and bumped the nut on till the two chisel marks lined up. Problem solved!
I'll do another thread soon about my flex plate fiasco.
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