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Old 02-22-2017, 01:23 AM   #5018
James the III
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Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: lowell ma
Posts: 750
Re: What did you do to your truck today? Chapter II

Originally Posted by VWNate1 View Post
Ouch .

James, finding the right Woman is tough .if she's worth it, just bite the bullet and work with it .

Mine is, I know I'm blessed .
Oh, she is a good wife and a car gal.. but sometimes she forgets what money got spent on.. And it hit a nerve.. Asking why I haven't spent time and money on it.. after cutting a check of 2200.00 for repairs to her truck..
and booking another vaca for this year.. just was boom..
She doesn't understand why I don't just buy what it needs and/or I want and charge it..
I'd rather not.. and save and buy ..
It's all good,, she came home from work and asked why I hadn't used the gift card she got me for my x mas/b day to summit to get heads..
I sad I had to save up to get them.. she was like " I gave you a gift card of 125.00 "
I replied, I know.. then opened the afr site and the page for the heads, and handed her the laptop.. she was what is this, I said this is what the cost..
her jaw dropped..
I said, I had the money put aside for them an intake and the machine work.. but you wanted to go to Hawaii for our 10th..
All I got was if those cost that much, how much is the stuff in basement..
I said more than your truck repair and less than the diamond on your finger..

Great wife but no clue on what stuff cost..

last summer A few streets away someone was selling a mustang..
She was like, I'd like that, even if it isn't the year I really want..
It was a green on green 1971 mach 1 , I stopped and let her get out and look at it, As I sat in the car as I knew it was going to be big bucks.. and wasn't going to bother..
She looked it over and was I likey.. I said, hope you plan on a good bonus, at that point she looked at the for sale sign and got back in the car..
She said it wasn't bad only 3500 I said I think you missed a zero..
she got out and looked again..
and yup.. it was, she got into our car and I said now you know why I was mad when I found a 1970 for 4000 and you only said wrong year..
All good, Don't think she'll be asking for a 68 fastback again anytime soon
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