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Old 03-01-2017, 09:28 AM   #53
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Re: HG's Bigass Farm Truck

Originally Posted by daddyjeep View Post
Welding that thin stuff can be a challenge. I have definitely seen worse than what you have there.
I've done better, but thanks for the positive review.
Originally Posted by El Dorado Jim View Post
wow, you are a workaholic, I can't believe all that you get done! I like the new farm,you should post pics of the farm, house and outbuildings...where are you in Minnesota?,I helped a friend move back there about two years ago, she is from there, moved out to Ca when she was 18 or 19, and 30 years later moved back to be with her family...I drove a uhaul truck with all her stuff,sher drove her car,she bought a house in Ironton, we drove around Mille Lacs lake, she gave us a tour of the area, went to Brainerd,her parents are great people, her dad is retired and is involved in a snowmobile club, he took me to their shop,pretty cool! I learned about the fish houses everyone has for Mille Lacs, it was a cool trip! my wife and I rode the Am Trac train home....
I'm in southern MN. The deep tropical southern savannah.

The farm is a work in progress. I'll probably post some before and after shots in my miscellaneous pic thread at some point. Ironton is close to a great place to scuba dive. The Crosby-Ironton mine pits. I grew up about 35 miles south of Brainerd. Glad you enjoyed the trip to the great white north.

No progress to report. Not as much of a workaholic as I've been accused of.

I did write a big check this morning to pay for my harness and ECU. And my Summit Racing order should be delivered today. All I managed to do last night was do some cleaning in the 3 car garage. Was getting unmanageable.

One huge project was completed yesterday though. The contractor finished my roof and soffit. The ladders and scaffolding is down. Even though my part of that job was just paying the bill, it's still a huge weight lifted. So now I just need to replace 4 entry doors, build a porch, get all the trim work done and put up about 30 squares of siding. I'm giving myself until next fall to get it done. Shouldn't be a problem.

But tonight I'll be working on this project.
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