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Old 03-02-2017, 07:14 PM   #1
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Posts: 285
Found a prize in the old truck...

So I am the second owner of my truck. Prior to it being gifted to me by my grandmother just before she passed it was grandpas truck. My grand father was the cash hoarding type from the great depression. After his death we searched high and low and found all sorts of treasures. When my grandmother decided to give me the truck my uncle went through it top to bottom and never found anything he valued. Lucky for me because it has blessed me with all sorts of treasures from him. I found a 1976 parks pass For Zion with a 1976 map. Found notes, old paper work for his work as a meter installer for a natural gas company, the original loan paper work, etc.

Well this week in class I had my students take out the old carpet, remove the seat, fuel tank etc. Under the old carpet was this folded envelop that said keep this - Bill.... Inside there was $200 in fresh crisp 50s. The envelop was from 1983 and originally held $800 at some point.

It has been a several year project getting this truck back on the road. My uncle tried making it run on old gas, blew a hole in the piston, etc. Next week it will be back on the road and in a few months it will be body work time.

Here is my little nugget!!!
Confidence is the feeling we have before we fully comprehend the situation
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