Re: Deluxe Heater FS
So if i add factory a/c to the truck (i.e. Where the vents are added to the original ash tray location), how does the heat system tie in to all of this?
Sorry, not familiar enough with the A/C System to answer.
Whats the difference between the standard 1 knob heater control and the deluxe?
Single knob:
The heat control is done by pulling the knob out.
Fan speed is controlled by turning the knob.
To switch from defrost to heat is done by a lever on the box right above the trans hump.
Has three levers- one controls fan speed, one controls heat level and the other switches between defrost and heat.
Here are the two deluxe controls I have right now. Levers will need to be replaced. Have two new cables that go with. $35.00 shipped if you are interested.