Re: Brake Booster working TOO much
Wow....what a weekend.
So what happened...the booster was a used one we got with a mess of parts we accumulated from a build-gone-bad that the guy was just dumping everything he had for $ a lot of good stuff, but the power steering pump had a hole in it and the brake booster...
the master cylinder was bad, and we did end up throwing the old manual one back on..mistake #1. Changed that out and it still wasn't working right, so step #2 was noticing the rod from the brake pedal was way off...removed that, redrilled the hole and installed again, only to realize that while it was working MUCH better, the pedal wasn't returning back up after letting off. After some hair pulling and head scratching we came to the realization that the spring in the booster wasn't acting right, so pulled another booster from the corner pile-o-parts and put that one in's a little slow on the spring-back, but the brakes aren't lagging/staying on, so i think we're in pretty good shape (whew).
Thanks for the input/advice/thoughts/help...very much appreciated!!