Few things for sale
Few pieces for sale that are in the way. All prices are plus shipping and feel free to make an offer on something. First Ill take it gets the item. thanks
Pair of vent windows (passenger and driver) Nice original glass: 100 plus ship
Battery trays-Have some rust through but solid very structurally solid- 15 each
Defrost vents: 10 for pair
Gas Pedal: 10
Seat Belt only one: Sold
Mirror Arms (driver side): 15 each
License plate brackets step side (i believe) 20 each
Visors (need recovered) 40 for the pair sold
Pair of window regulators(64-66)- 50 for the pair sold
Ash Tray- 10
Last edited by dtkarst; 05-14-2017 at 11:53 PM.