Originally Posted by N2TRUX
At Lonestar Throwdown Chris and I met Tim Smith from Kicker Car Audio. It turns out he had been following Scarlett's build on my feed. Tim is the
Special Ops Technician and Fabricator
at Stillwater Designs/KICKER Car Audio and loves custom cars and trucks.
Chris mentioned that Scarlett didn't have a real audio system yet and he asked our plans. He gave us a personal tour of the Kicker booth and suggested several options.
Since then we have been working with Tim and the marketing department to put together a system.
We have created a system that fits perfectly with this build. It will have the latest in Kicker Car Audio components integrated in a way that doesn't distract from the classic good looks of the restored interior.
Stay tuned for Scarlett's singing lessons.
Oh boy! Just when I thought this build was coming to a close you went and did this! Sweeeeeeet!