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Old 03-11-2017, 05:03 AM   #1
Cadillac Kid
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Post Hood Hinge Solution? (Bent Hood)

Hello everyone.

My 74' C10 has the square body bent hood. I'm sure this problem has been talked to death, but I couldn't find a permeant fix. When I bought the truck the hinges bearly moved up and down. Iv'e lubed them up good multiple times. The hood fly's up, but is very difficult to close. I am going to replace the hood at some point and the way the hinges are now, I fear they will just bend the new hood. What is the best course of action? New reproduction hinges, hinges from a different year? Any input would be much appreciated.

Just my luck, the guy I bought it from said the hood was perfect and It bent the day before I went to purchase it. Oh well.


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