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Old 03-12-2017, 08:27 PM   #11
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Re: Line-X... How far to take it.

Originally Posted by stangtjk View Post
Won't be going over bare metal, tub will get a coat of epoxy primer before the liner.

I get the idea behind installing the rocker boxes and leaving the caps off but based on the shape of the cavity and the spray equipment used there is no way you're going to get decent coverage inside. If I install the rocker boxes first I probably wouldn't bother trying to line the inside.

My thought was to tape off where the welding would be. I didn't think the welding was that significant. A few stitch welds across the front lip, every other hole along the inner cab support gets a 1/2" long weld and I assume where the rocker box meets the floor gets spot welded but mine was completely rotted out in that area so not sure what it looked like from the factory. My only concern would be cooking the liner off the inside of the floor when welding the front edge but I think the lip that it welds on to is long enough to work with to prevent that if I'm careful. The rocker box will basically have a border around it that won't have linex to allow for the welds. I guess I could have it touches up after but I think I can make it look neat enough not to worry about.
You sound like the engineers I used to work with ! LOL
Sounds great in theory, but in practical it will be a nightmare. Not only will you burn off the Line-x at the welds, but also the epoxy primer.
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