Thread: Engine opinions
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Old 03-13-2017, 10:47 AM   #19
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Re: Engine opinions

Originally Posted by JIvey13 View Post
So, I like the old sound and originality of the 283. But I have always wanted something that sounded mean Andy looked good, something with a nice lobe and grumble with some get up and go. I am just not sure what all I could do to then 283 to achieve that. I mean I am not looking for 500-600 horsepower just around 300-400.

Jeff Ivey
Ain't happenin with the 283. IF you want some "lumpy" you need some cubic inches or more properly, torque to offset what you lose on the bottom end for drivability's sake. Torque is mostly stroke, so the 383 version small block is very popular along with the 400/406. Or you could just throw caution(and money) to the wind and go with a big block. It will fit in the same location.
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