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Old 03-13-2017, 10:57 PM   #56
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Re: 1972 Build thread.

I finally got some time in the garage yesterday. I'm almost ready to get my carriers installed.
I ordered the Ratech install tools for the pinion depth. I hope to have those this week and then finish installing.

I have never installed bearing races before. Not very fun, but it is cool to learn how to do this stuff. The axle bearings and seals on the 12 bolt were easy. The inner seals on the dana 44 made my eye twitch. Lol. The inner pinion races are the devil. Smashing my hand with a 4lb sledge hammer didn't help my opinion on the inner races.

I finished up my dummy inner pinion bearings, and.... I was finally able to remove the bearings from the old pinions gears. I had to remove the bearing cages that held the roller bearings in place. This allowed me to get a good bite on the inner bearing housing. A couple weeks ago I broke part of my bearing puller when trying to remove the bearings from the outside of the cage.
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Full top blazer or bust....
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