Thread: Engine opinions
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Old 03-13-2017, 11:45 PM   #24
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Re: Engine opinions

I"m going the LS route, I'm happy i did, But there is alot more money to be put into one compared to a 350....
For example
F body camaro Oil Pan, 400 dollars
Fuel Tank and pump 500
PTFE fuel lines and fittings 400 dollars
Fuel Regulator 80
Fuel Filter 60
Computer reflashed 100
Computer rewire or new 200 or 500 for new or free if you it yourself like me..
Transmission tunnel rework (hell!)
Gauges 350-600
Headers 300
That's what just comes to mind too..

Countless hours and hours working and thinking about the truck. Doing searches and searches for hours of guys that have put a LS in our truck... and what they used and how it worked and there isn't many...
With countless hours figuring out align things and playing...
Loving it all and learning a truck load is priceless but its a lot more work and isn't cut and dry.... I'm only part way
If you paying someone to do work, go with a 350...
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