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Old 03-14-2017, 01:42 PM   #65
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Re: 1972 Build thread.

Originally Posted by hemi43 View Post
Most likely the shim thickness that you took out of the original pinion will be within a few thou of what you need. At least that's been my experience in the past. I can't recall if you mentioned that you were reusing the original gears or buying new, but my first choice is Yukon. Richmonds are a bit cheaper, but I guess you get what you pay for because I've had some sets squeal like a stuck pig even though the pattern was dead on. Good luck and keep posting pics.

edit; I guess I should have read your previous more thoroughly because I now realize you already made a setup bearing !
I had read the same thing about the original shims getting you close enough. I have those shims in with the new pinions and dummy bearings awaiting for me to dump the carriers in place. I am going with new gears, I got rid of the original 3:07's in favor of 4:11's. Not sure if the original shims make a difference at this point since it is a different set of gears? I guess I will find out shortly. I went with G2 in the front and Motive in the rear. Hopefully they are of good quality. I have read good and bad about all brands... the problem is that you never know who to trust & the Internet is always right... right? Motive had a couple different grades of gears I opted for the more expensive set that had some kind of heat treatment since it was going in the rear. Probably a gimmick, but I own them now.
Full top blazer or bust....
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