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Old 03-15-2017, 09:40 AM   #58
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Re: HG's Bigass Farm Truck

The radiator support is bolted down. Not without some trouble though. The bolts that came with the new rubber mounts are a bit on the short side. Had to rearrange the pieces so I could remove one of the washers just to get the nuts started. Then after tightening them down all the way to where the metal bushing is tight to the nuts the end of the bolt still doesn't make it all the way through the nuts. Another 1/4" longer on the bolts would have been nice, which is odd because the new bolts were about 1/4" longer than the original. The rubbers must be thicker.

Also having some trouble with the bolts through the back of the inner fenders. I'll have to run a tap through them.

I got the water hoses installed though. Just need to figure out the one from the bottom of the throttle body.

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