Thread: Frame id
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Old 03-18-2017, 11:36 AM   #6
B. W.
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Re: Frame id

Do a search on this forum on 4x4 frames & 2wd frames there are some distinguishable differences. If yours is a converted 2wd you should be able to see certain things that aren't the same as a 4wd. Parking brake cable location (2wd routed through the frame) bump stop pads brackets for the front axle on 4wd riveted in place. (converted 2wd, these may be missing) if the front axle spring hangers are riveted in place (vs bolted) it is a 4wd frame. (they could be bolted & still be a 4wd frame if someone took it apart to paint it which a lot of people do when they are restored)

The part numbers on your gears may be Ford (someone changed them) Ford, Dodge & GM all ran these axles. To ID you axles look for the BOM (Bill Of Materials) stamped on the axle tubes ( do a search on this also)
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