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Old 03-22-2017, 09:18 AM   #1
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1966 diff options to change from 8 stud to 5.

Hi everyone,
I have recently purchased a chev truck and I am new to them. I have a 66 c10 with the heavy duty suspension option, this included the big rear diff with the 8 stud. I am after a conversion option whether its a change in diff or if I can change the axels some how. what width ford 9 inch diffs have people installed and what vehicle did they get it from to convert to 5 stud, as wheel and brake options are easier to come by.

I am located in Western Australia and I am an apprentice auto sparky, so finding other c10s to look at for inspiration are not easily found. I am Also looking to raise the bed floor to accommodate to the air bags being lowered. I am looking into c notching and drop spindle options also. any photos and advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Jayden.
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