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Old 03-27-2017, 09:20 AM   #71
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Re: HG's Bigass Farm Truck

Originally Posted by Jstock85 View Post
Man you got yourself one cool project there! If you don't mind share the details when you get that fuel system complete (with pics also please). Im putting a 4.8 into an 85 and will be crossing that bridge soon! Thanks.
Thanks, it's a pretty simple set up really. Universal in tank pump in a stock 1987 fuel tank. I used rubber EFI hose from Napa and aluminum tubing from summit racing and a universal 3/8" inline fuel filter. Most of that is pictured already. I used the donor truck fuel lines on the engine end, they plug into the lines on the back of the fuel rail. I used the return line system with the installed fuel pressure regulator on the fuel rail.

Just ran the lines along the frame rail

Many, if not most, will use the corvette style inline fuel filter with the built in pressure regulator. The advantage is that you only need a return line from that point back to the tank. The fuel supply line is 3/8" and the return line is 5/16".

It's been awhile since I really got anything done on this. Been working on other things or been on the road away from home. This weekend I managed to get the exhaust done and started setting up the harness and ECU. We were wiring up the starter to see if that was going to work but found out the starter solenoid was shot. It would pop out once in a while but not kick the starter motor on. Had it tested at Napa to make sure it wasn't a wiring issue. So that is going to get fixed this week hopefully or I'll have to order a replacement.

My redneck looking exhaust. It isn't pretty but it'll work. The driver side was kind of a *****. The 45 wasn't a tight enough bend. I tried to bend it tighter with limited success and it just wasn't working. I had some left over exhaust tubing from another project with mandrel bends so I used a piece of that and welded it to the pipe off the manifold. Then bought some flexible exhaust tubing from Napa to finish it.

The passenger side went together ok with the 45 and flexible tubing.

The ECU will mount to the battery tray, just like it was in the donor truck. Just had to trim the plastic a bit to get it to sit in there correctly.

The harness is sitting on the engine and hopefully my son will get that routed this week while I'm on the road.

Getting real close to firing it up. Need to get the starter in, finish installing the harness/ECU, wire the fuel pump, get a mass airflow sensor (forgot about that part until this weekend) and put some gas in it. Maybe next weekend, IF I can get the required parts by then.
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