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Old 03-27-2017, 07:57 PM   #2
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Re: new fuel tank opinions

Two options here,
1. Put a scope camera in side and see if there is any corrosion built up or flaking off the sides.
If there is, pull the tank and have it boiled out, then sealed. Flush out the lines and change filter.
2. If there's no corrosion, flush your lines, add some fuel with some Sea Foam, and fire that baby up. It'll run a little rough at first, but will clear up.
You may have to rebuild your carb, as your fuel in it may have either turned to varnish, or in the case of unleaded, separated and left deposits in the float bowls.
I went through this a few years back, when I got my truck out of a five year storage. I ended up putting a new carb on mine. I wish the best of luck to you.
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