Thread: Paint Removal
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Old 03-27-2017, 11:15 PM   #14
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Re: Paint Removal

How about evaporust pumped through a little pond pump up to a high location inside and outside the panels, make a 2x4 box big enough to fit under the cab?? with plastic stapled to the 2x4 frame to act as a catch basin and recycle it back through the pump. Put the pump inside the frame and put a hose on the pump to route it where you want!! No smell, safe, a 5 gallon bucket is about $100.00 and just add a little water to replace what evaporated! I called evaporust recently and questioned them on this system and they said "perfect, just add a little water as you go to maintain the same level in the catch basin". No warped panels, relatively low cost and can be reused many times.
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