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Old 03-27-2017, 11:18 PM   #4
In The Ten Ring
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Re: Time for reassembly: can I get anyone to come and help me?

I guess I should have been more specific.

It's only the body I need to put back on there: core support, inner and outer fenders, grill, hood, and cowl. I'm a little bit intimidated though.

I spoke with Wes at Classic Heart Beat via phone and it seems I need to remove the front cab bolts again in order to line everything up. Ugh.....

I am going to ask this custom body shop that's located about 10 miles from me, maybe I could get those guys over to my garage. I could get it hauled if need be.

I have my dad and maybe a close friend I can count on but dad's arthritis is acting up and my friend lives two states away.....I took lots of pics on disassembly and I know I can count on you guys for support. (Big thanks to everyone in advance).
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