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Old 03-28-2017, 01:26 AM   #6
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Re: Time for reassembly: can I get anyone to come and help me?

Originally Posted by In The Ten Ring View Post
I guess I should have been more specific.

It's only the body I need to put back on there: core support, inner and outer fenders, grill, hood, and cowl. I'm a little bit intimidated though.

I spoke with Wes at Classic Heart Beat via phone and it seems I need to remove the front cab bolts again in order to line everything up. Ugh.....

I am going to ask this custom body shop that's located about 10 miles from me, maybe I could get those guys over to my garage. I could get it hauled if need be.

I have my dad and maybe a close friend I can count on but dad's arthritis is acting up and my friend lives two states away.....I took lots of pics on disassembly and I know I can count on you guys for support. (Big thanks to everyone in advance).
I've never done it, but having taken everything off less the core support and outer fenders...............any corrections more than welcome.......

1. Core support. I trust you got new bushings for it? If your cab bushings are shot you won't get this perfect, not that these were built to be perfect even with. Sounds like you got new though.......I don't know what the torque should be for the bushings. You might look that up. On topic, you might look at an assembly manual. They're are soft copies available. Personally, I like the hard copy. That and you might want the index. 5-6 board members made it and did a GREAT job.

2. Outer fenders & grilles. The fenders may have been shimmed, or you may want them to be. Before you settle on fender alignment sample fit your outer grille, meaning your grille brackets are installed. No need to torque anything down until it's good.

2.1. When you're happy with the fender alignment torque away. Install the hood latch support. Install your inner grille to the outer grille then install both. Install the hood latch assembly.

3. Install Hood. Mine wasn't right at all. By chance did you mark hinge placement? If not I BELIEVE the center of the two depressions in each fender line-up with the center of each hole in the hinges, as a starting point.

3.1. Install the the bolt catch plate. Only tighten the hinges and bolt catch plate enough they don't slip as you work things out. Also install all the hood bumpers. The bumper adjusters are for height. Note: The surface of the grille to the top of the adjuster bumpers on my truck were approx. 8/10". Just a guide...... At this point you want to sample fit your cowl panel, which may also need to be shimmed. When you're happy torque away, and install your cowl panel & cowl seal.

4. Install your inner fenders. If you have a new paint job or such, masking tape & padding. You can't peal away scratches.

Speak of the cowl panel, if you don't have the Snap-on tool for removing AND installing wiper arms I HIGHLY recommend it. They're cheap and make life easier. That and you won't damage your truck.

Other than that, take your time. Edit......Course I skipped over some simple stuff (e.g. headlights, bezels), but be sure to install the badges in the rear of the fenders before installing the fenders.

Wes really knows his stuff and very helpful too. I don't know why you'd need to remove the front cab bolts to line things up, perhaps someone can chime in.

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit

Last edited by 71CHEVYSHORTBED402; 03-28-2017 at 01:55 AM.
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