Thread: LT1 GenV swap
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Old 03-28-2017, 03:21 PM   #125
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Re: LT1 GenV swap

Looks great. I have been very interested in doing an LT4 swap for my build as of late, but was initially put off by the cost of getting the front drive system setup. Looks like Holley and Dirty dingo are working on kits or have them already. Dingo said probably another few months for the LT4 stuff.

I'm assuming I'd need to run the Holley pan to clear my crossmember in the 66, since it's actually from an 85 pickup as well?

Ever figure out how you'll get a tach signal and coolant temp from? I'd hate to have to rebuy gauges that pull from an OBD port since I have new speedhuts sitting in a box . . .
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