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Old 03-28-2017, 10:30 PM   #142
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Re: 1941 project fenix

oh she is terrified of taking my cords. but I am terrified of mom. so its like rock paper scissors. kid takes moms cord, mom takes dads.

here is the fit of the driveshaft. you can see I still havent found the caps, which ironically is also in the bag with the gas tank strap bolt. yes the chain is stuck under the trans. I need to take the mount bolt out haha

here is that heater connector that was rotted off. I am picking up a 1/2" tap tomorrow to clean the threads.

new brake lines along the frame, new hoses. brackets need a squirt of paint but I still have other stuff on the frame to paint too.

before I weld up the body mounts I got the shift linkage in, pretty easy, I just mimicked the frame mount 9 3/4" rearward.

then I welded up the backs of all the mounts with a support

since I burned those in so hot I was on 30 minute fire watch (always wait 30 minutes after welding before leaving the area in case a stray spark is smoldering) so I welded up the headlight switch hole and some other holes on the dash

and gave it a thick coat of primer to sand back with some 180 tomorrow.

no big warping, pretty ok by me.
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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