Re: Where do I start?
One of the biggest tools in your arsenal is going to be persistence. Determination and patience - right up there as well. Unless you're loaded, this may take a while so try to enjoy the process of keeping the family rig running.
Take on the smaller mechanical and safety projects and complete them one at a time. Even if its something as simple as getting a set of decent tires on it. Then brakes. Safety first. Be proud of your work and the knowledge you gain.
Get used to being dirty, greasy and sometimes frustrated but also start small and complete what you start. Step away when needed and when your done with a project. Take it in. Before and after. Its all too easy and common to blow a truck completely apart in a couple of days and make it un drivable. Driving it is the reward and you must reward yourself along the way to keep motivated.
There is nothing worse than walking past your sentimental dream sitting in an overwhelming pile of parts in the driveway while on your way to your busy day. At this point, most give up and either sell the dream or let it rot. Both options suck.
Keep asking questions. Many here are troubleshooting wizards. Maybe the engine and trans just need servicing or a tune up and not a full replacement. There's little better news than finding that a tune up was needed when you think that a new engine needs to be built / bought. There's a wealth of knowledge, advice, parts and just plain old common sense here. Bunch of ornery old bats too but we still try and help. LOL
Be ready for your neighbors to think your nuts. Be ready for your closest friends to KNOW you've lost your mind. Don't worry, they both usually come around. After all, it's a bit of an acquired sickness we have.
Driving something that you resurrected with your own hands will give you the confidence to tackle the shiny stuff. The thumbs up you'll get every time you drive it will help with the motivation.