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Old 03-29-2017, 04:31 PM   #5
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Re: New radiator time...what else would you recommend?

Originally Posted by SeniorVerde View Post
Thermostat, hoses, maybe even the water pump since it's accessible, as already mentioned.

When I went with an aluminum radiator, I added a "sacrificial anode" (google it). Hot coolant loves to eat at aluminum, especially where dissimilar metals meet. Adding an aluminum radiator obviously puts your coolant in much more contact with something to corrode.
You can get anodes that hang inside from the radiator cap, or some that replace an unused port or drain plug. The anode is made of zinc or something and it's meant to attract the corrosion away from the aluminum. They have to be replaced every so often, but if it means I have to replace a radiator less, easy choice.
Certainly up to you, but I've got them in the cars I care about.
I did the same as Senior suggested.....super cheap insurance! My 5th wheel alum hot water tank has an anode as part of the drain plug and it is toast after 5 years. The anode I bought was in place of the petcock.
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