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Old 03-30-2017, 07:37 PM   #1
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RePop Tailgates all the same?

My 72 tailgate has bondo in it. the LET of Chevrolet are gone, and upper part of tailgate has bondo too so it may have taken a minor 2mph bump that crumpled it years ago. the gate operates perfectly...just dont like knowing there is 5 lbs of bondo in it.

Question, are the new reproduction tailgates any good? are some better than others or do all the sites I see, LMC , etc get their repop gates from same factory and sell them?

Have read online that the repops are lighter gauge? lighter gates? this true?

Body shop will cost double to repair my OEM gate over just replacing it but if the repops are garbage, perhaps I bite the bullet and pay to repair my original,, there in no rust on it, hinges and bottom of gate are perfect.

which way would you guys go on this?
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Last edited by nevada; 03-30-2017 at 07:47 PM. Reason: pics
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