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Old 04-02-2017, 06:36 PM   #5
Keith Seymore
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Re: GMC Plant Code "Z"?

Originally Posted by AbigailAmelia View Post
Thanks for the quick replies, Bandit and Matt Man!

So if the end of my VIN is Z508260, does that mean it's the 508,260th truck built there?

There were roughly nine chevys built for every GMC, built on the same line but with a separate unique VIN sequence. Those are all "fodder", pushing your GMC later in the model year than what the sequential portion of the VIN might imply.

Most plants did not build in VIN order, as there accumulator/banks between the body shop and paint, and between paint and final line, to allow shuffling of vehicles based on part shortages or work load leveling (can't have too many A/C jobs in a row, or two many manual trans vehicles in a row, etc), and to allow the final line to run in the event of a breakdown in body shop or paint. Fremont is one of the few plants that did build straight through, but definitely a minority.

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Last edited by Keith Seymore; 04-02-2017 at 07:30 PM.
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