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Old 04-05-2017, 10:30 AM   #23
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Re: Calling all slicers and dicers

I think that revised front section plan is looking much better now. If someone else hasn't chimed in by this evening, I can go out and measure the air cleaner to hood clearance. I have an all stock '68 with the original 307, so that will be a good representation of the space that's available. As for the bed floor, I assume you plan on raising it 6" to effectively drop your bed down 6" to account for the rear frame section? Do you have a wood or steel floor? I have steel on mine and just moved the mounting flange up on the sides and they bolted right back on where they were, just 2.5" lower.
Builds: Green Gus the 68 C10 | Bluey the 72 1500 | Lowly the 70 C10
Instagram: @dr.hewitt
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