Originally Posted by dsraven
if you are taking the rear axle u bolts off for relocation and possibly also replacing/bleeding the brakes due to line replacement and doing a wheel bearing dissassemble and check plus welding the spring pad back on at the crack then why not just take the whole axle out from under the truck, take the wheel bearing hubs off and check the housing for straight before you spend money on something that is bent. if bent you can look for another axle from the same style of truck or upgrade to a newer axle with better gearing for you. there may be some wheel fitment issues with a newer axle, I mean the rear axle may have different wheels than the front, but in the end you have spent money on an upgrade instead of on a stop gap and you would get better gearing. if the stock axle is bent then it would require the axle to be straightened at a machine shop which will cost you cash and they may want it totally dissassembled and cleaned before they put it on their equipment.
just a thought
Sorry about the Rant - looks like a lot before Road Worthy !
I'll Check Axle Housing with Lazer and Try to check for Run Out with Inspection Set Up .. Sound I heard Rolling Down Hill @ 55Mph
( Heavy Metal ) to Me was a Bearing , but sure could be Axle I have never heard ( Sound ) of or seen one of those Bent . .
Even Thou I had Clutch in - Rear Gear would have been Spinning the Driveshaft very High RPM - now that I sit here and type this Thinking about it - check center Drive shaft Mount etc. also ..
The Oil all around Motor pushing out
5- different places at least .
Hoping it's Only a Poorly Vented Block ?_?
( No PVC )
I Dropped the Filter and Added some Zinc Additive - figuring Old Filter
might be partially Plugged - as - Oil Pressure is Very High 60 PSI . ( Most Likely By_Passing )
Motor rebuild so Informed - so might be Honings etc.
( 3350 ) Miles - Possible Rings STILL NOT Seated ) ?_?
Oil Very Black coming from Filter - didn't look Bad in Crank Case ? THOU .
Looking for Vented Valve Covers - with - PVC Caps included , then I'll try and get those Hooked to the Carb. Spacer - I Guess ?_?
Just a Small Oil Fill Cap - is Partially Vented ( Stuffed ) , but No Vac. Line on it .
*Engine Builders - High Oil Pressure 50 Hot 65+ Cold to high to read .
Special Filters and Special Venting Needed .. ???
Thank You All