1981 K20 Project - The Blue Ox
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04-05-2017, 10:50 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Palmer, Alaska
Posts: 139
Re: 1981 K20 Project - The Blue Ox
I was kinda on a roll today, so while I was waiting for my fender to dry I decided to move onto another project. The old front speakers were toast, so I pulled the dash and wired in a new pair. I figured it was a good time to clean up under the dash as well (35 years worth of dust adds up haha). The new speakers went in really easy, now I can really enjoy my tunes when I drive the Ox around (70s Rock'n'Roll!). The bad news is that the new speakers are a bit taller than the stock now my dash doesn't fit back in. Working on a solution for that next!
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