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Old 04-08-2017, 10:31 PM   #1
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Re: Know the history of your truck ?

WOW, I just figured out where my truck originally came from.
I first saw it sitting behind a building about a mile up the road about 20+ years ago. It sat there for about 10 years then the guy died with a heart attack. The next year it went through a couple local guys until I got it.
All I knew about the original owner was he kept a walk in camper on the back and used the truck for an RV. I was told he never took the camper off. Until I saw this thread I never gave it much thought but now I remember seeing a truck like this with a camper on the back sitting under a special built shed with the center section raised so the camper would fit under it, that was about 35 to 40 years ago.
It was only about 4 miles from here and one of my friends lived right across the road from it. The guy never took the camper off the truck, it stayed on year round. That truck with the camper disappeared about the time this one showed up behind the building.
I'm not 100% sure it's the same truck but I would bet money on it. I'll go see my friend who lives across the road from where it use to sit and ask him. He would know because he use to always say as we rode by he wanted that truck.

Last edited by garyd1961; 04-08-2017 at 11:00 PM.
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