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Old 04-09-2017, 12:21 PM   #13
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Re: Help me value this truck

Originally Posted by geezer#99 View Post
Stock that truck had 6 bolt wheels. He upgraded to disc brakes in the front and rear and kept the six bolt wheels. Most people who upgrade like that will install 5 bolt hubs so they have a better choice of available wheels. There are more 5 bolt wheels available than six bolt.
What exactly are your skills?
Can you time your motor for example? Or tune your carb.
If not then an almost stock motored truck is what you need.
No sense buying a truck you can't use.

There's a lot more better suited trucks out there near you for half his price.
Like this one.
Looks like a killer truck with 6 bolt wheels, still plenty choices out there for wheels, 6 bolt wheels should not be the deal killer, sometimes this board amazes me with all the knowledge, sometimes I just don't know...........even if your truck is stock, you will from time to time need to set your timing and even longer intervals will need to rebuild your carb, (which is not "rocket surgery", but not every one knows how to do a rebuild a carb). Indulge on if you are looking at purchasing, its cause you have some extra cash, and enjoy, trust me the basics are done, paint and upholstery will be minimal as long as the majority of the body is healthy from major rust, compared to the price tag to do what has already been done.

Last edited by 67/Heaven; 04-09-2017 at 12:34 PM.
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