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Old 04-09-2017, 12:42 PM   #11
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Re: Help me value this truck

Originally Posted by 67/Heaven View Post
Looks like a killer truck with 6 bolt wheels, still plenty choices out there for wheels, 6 bolt wheels should not be the deal killer, sometimes this board amazes me with all the knowledge, sometimes I just don't know...........even if your truck is stock, you will from time to time need to set your timing and even longer intervals will need to rebuild your carb, (which is not "rocket surgery", but not every one knows how to do a rebuild a carb). Indulge on if you are looking at purchasing, its cause you have some extra cash, and enjoy, trust me the basics are done, paint and upholstery will be minimal compared to the price tag to do what has already been done.
Just out of curiosity, why did gm change from 6 to 5? Was it a performance thing? Are the axles compatible with the housings and or carriers? I guess iam asking besides wheel pattern why? Can you not adapt the pattern? Back then if it was super high performance it was a Chrysler rear end anyway right. I have another 9 inch laying around but this for me isn't a performance/hp thing. Just a cruiser. Sorry I just don't have time now to read all the stickies. I know there arentbmany performance cars with chevy rear ends lol. I think I'll make him an offer and be ok passing if he doesn't take it. Lots of stuff in the world for 10k . Bought a 4 post lift off a guy with 20k in a 60s hover craft half finished in his garage lol!
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