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Old 04-10-2017, 10:24 AM   #21
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Re: Picked up my new project.

Originally Posted by LockDoc View Post
It is, and there is no easy way, especially with the cab on. I removed one from the '67 C-30 a while back with the cab on so it can be done. I either "X" the rivet heads with a cut off wheel or drill them and finish with a sharp chisel. I found that it is easier to chisel them if the chisel is only sharpened on one side. If you have a good compressor and an air chisel it would make it easier......

IF, IF you have sharp drill bits...I've center punched the rivet, then drill the rivet, starting with small bits, working up in size. Don't need to drill all way through, just to frame surface. I've done this at salvage yards, found to be easiest, but must have sharp drill bits!!!
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