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Old 04-05-2004, 08:32 PM   #41
Cause the Chicks DIG IT!!
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Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Beaufort SC
Posts: 509
I've looked all over and can't find a diamond cut drill bit. I hit up all the local hardware stores and even went to Lowe's and nobodies got one and nobody knows where to get one. The bolt is not busted in the head its busted in the block itself. The upper right one to be exact. I was half tempted to try and putting just 3 bolts in and praying for the silicone to seal it off but I can't do that cause then I wouldn't have anywhere for the alt mount bracket thing. I'm waiting on my buddy to get his mig welder back and i'm going to attempt to weld a bolt onto the end of it Either that or I'm gonna wait till friday when the MAC tools guy comes around the shop and see if he's got any. Everybody I've talked to that I told my problem there eyes just roll back in there head and I'm like oh yeaaaaa...... I'm in some Deep SH*T!!!
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