would kinda need to know if he has a stock steering box or not.
the stock box has the steering column shaft as one piece all the way up to the steering wheel so there is no bolt in easy fix for that. the old column outer shaft is like a piece if muffler pipe that is pressed into the steering box and covers the actual steering input shaft from the wheel down through the dash suppoert bracket, through the floor grommet seal and into the box. what guys do is cut the pipe off just above the box, then cut the shaft off just above the that (the kit will give instructions likely, with measurements), then grind the shaft to look like it is flat on 2 oposing sides (again, a wrap around template is given i beleive), then there is a steering shaft u loint that fits over the shaft after it is machined down. then the rest of the column and wheel etc can be pulled up through the floor and the aftermarket column can be slipped down through after it is prepped and ready. you maybe could check out the sites and find out what length is required etc. there may also be some wiring touch ups to complete for horn and signals etc.
it is some extra work but some guys have been using the column out of an astro van with the automatic trans. most of those are set up for a 700r4 or 4l60E though. you would need some wiring upgrades for this especially if you want to use the ign key that comes with. the nice thing is parts are readily available, it would have locking steering when the key is out and you could also set up the dimmer switch for column if you want to because it is there in the column already.
personally I like the column shift over the floor shift because, unless there is a console, the shifter gets really long to make it easier to shift without bending over like a circus monkey. but then i am also not a fan of patina so there you go.haha. it depends on the look he wants. if he wants the stock look with the key on the dash and a floor dimmer switch then aftermarket or a column from a early chevy van is more wht he would look for.
it is too bad he would need to cut that column because there are guys who want to keep the stock look column but want a floor shifter, because of an automatic upgrade or whatever, and most of these trucks have the 3 on the tree column. to remove the stock colum it has to come out as one piece with the box. a new box would be required with an already cut off input shaft if he wants to keep the old one intact. if he were to do that a power steering upgrade would be an idea at the same time. below is a link to a page where a guy talks about the upgrade and options for his own 55-59 style truck. it has some pics so you can see the stock box and what you are up against. to do an aftermarket column conversion you will also need a support at the floor level of the truck because the new system would otherwise just be hanging from the dash support below the wheel. there may be a kit available, I don't know because I have a different set up.
good luck, take pics and post