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Old 04-16-2017, 03:22 AM   #197
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Re: Project "You thought yours was bad!" '78 C10 Stepside

Yeah, plus it's one of those things where I'd rather not risk a bent or out of balance or maybe not quite right deal either. Brand new bolt in is nice (and worth it!) in this case imo.

So not much of an update with this truck, but I did pick up another stepside! I was certainly not planning on any more vehicles (there's 6 around my house currently) but for $500 with a clean title, runs and drives, I couldn't pass it up. It's a 1989 Chevy single cab stepside 2WD with a 350/700r4, and a coach conversion interior. It's plenty rough around the edges but the body is pretty clean and rust free despite it needing a wash in the pictures. This may become the next project once this one is done.

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