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Old 04-16-2017, 08:34 PM   #6
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Re: Truck Cover? A couple questions...

I live in CA where we don't have as much rain as you probably do. Also, I drive my truck at least twice a week so the cover doesn't stay on all the time. Anyway, I bought my cover at car and it is water resistant but stil breaths. I wash it at the laundermat a couple of times a year to that it isn't abrasive on the finish. Yes it wish I could garage my truck but I can't so it is an alternative. It keeps the bird poop and stuff falling from the trees and sun damage to a minimum.

Regarding the "swimming pool" in the bed after the rain, that will happen for sure. You can probably build a frame from PVC pipe so the water rolls off instead of a having a tonneau cover.
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