Thread: Lowering my 69
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Old 03-13-2002, 12:19 PM   #2
low 84
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ok first thing is to put the front up on stands, block back wheels and take off front wheels. Then remove cotter pin on tie rod, then castle nut, then remove the tie rod from the sterring knukle (you can thread the castle nut half way back on the tie rod and then hit upwards on the nut with a hammer to get the tie rod to come off. just make sure you don't hit the threads on the end of the tire rod or you'll be cussin later. this might also damage the castle nut but you can get a new one.) now remove the cotter pin from the upper ball joint. and loosen the castle nut about three threads (DO NOT TAKE IT ALL THE WAY OFF). now people do diferent things to get the ball joints to seprate, but i just take a big hammer and hit he top of the spindle (you might have to remove the break assembly to do this) and you will hear a pop which is the upper ball joint seperating from the spindle. i think you can get away with just seperating the upper ball joint since your not replacing spindles. Now before i lower the a-arm i like to chain the spring to the lowwer control arm cross shaft just fro safty. Now place a floor jack under the lower control arm and jack ti up to put pressure on the spring. Now you can take the castle nut all the way off and then SLOWLY lower the jack. your lower a-arm should come down with the spindle break assmbly on it. And hope fully your spring will become disengaged. Then you can unchain it and reinstall new spring. in revers order. Make sure you seat the new spring correctly in the lower and upper spring pockets so it will seat correctly. I htink this is most of the procedure but if you have any more queations please ask. I know the first time i did this i was pretty hesitant as to what to do.

hope this helps.

Pot holes are my enemy

'84 1\2 ton swb, 350 5\7 drop

just sold '64 1\2 ton
4\4 drop with built 350 (my toy)

'51 F100, backhalf with a narrowed 9 and coil overs, 18.5" mickeys, monte front clip, +400" sbc in the works

'05 1500 Crew Cab

'84 swb 5/7 drop, solid cammed 408 w/ fully ported dart heads, th350 w/ 10 inch hughes, 12 bolt w/ 3.73 richmonds and a locker
'80 swb 4x4 in progress: 7" lift, 350 th350/np205, d44 and 1.5" ORD tie rod, 14BFF w/discs , armored diff covers, 40" MTR's
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