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Old 04-17-2017, 10:42 PM   #12
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Re: Removing steering coupler assembly to replace rag joint

Originally Posted by vince1 View Post
I don't know how you would get it off because it is obviously welded on there. You could take the whole column apart for a rebuild but then it is still only a solid spear ready to impale you if you ever get into a front end collision. If you want to cut it you could try Borgeson for couplings and such.

With my method I don't think it would take me more than a half hour to drill it off. Maybe the other fellows could do it faster with their grinders but my preferred method would still be the drill.

Maybe you could put your box back on loosely to hold it steady while you work to get the rag joint coupling apart.
Sounds like a good time to go with the collapsible column if not there already

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