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Old 04-20-2017, 11:46 AM   #3
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Re: Gauge cluster bulbs stopped working except for one.

Originally Posted by kansasc10 View Post
What am I overlooking? If somehow I have a ground issue, would I still have 1 bulb working? Ive checked everything I know to check and went so far as to unhook EVERYTHING under the dash and made sure all connectors were still good and no shorts or frays. Everything still looks basically brand new and I didnt see anything suspect. So Im back to square one....everything on the truck works

By the way...the bulb that is working is the one on the very far right, closest to the passenger side. The one that lights up the fuel guage and some of the oil pressure gauge.
Yes, I believe you are dealing with a ground issue.

If you look closely at the printed circuit, you will find that there are 2 traces with grounding screws going through them. One screw (right next to the plug) only serves to ground that one light on the far right that is working. The other screw grounds the remaining lights that are not working ... check that screw to make sure it is tight and making good contact with the printed circuit trace.

EDIT: I added a pic with arrows pointing to the two ground screw locations.
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