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Old 04-21-2017, 12:13 PM   #1
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shorter shocks and bump stops

I'm sure this will become obvious shortly, when I go to install my 2-1/2" drop spindles up front and 4" HD drop coils on the rear. Then I plan on taking it to the shop to likely have the control arms checked and/or replaced as well as have an alignment. At that time, if I haven't done so myself first, I plan on having the torsion bars cranked down to give a nice rake towards the front.

With all of that said, can anyone tell me if I need to swap out the bump stops and/or install shorter shocks and if so, what length seems to work on a static drop such as what I'm going with?

I know some just cut the stops, but I think my lower control arm ones need replacing as they are getting weather cracked and the bolt isn't real tight to the rubber. I'm in process of replacing the ball joints and getting started on the spindles/brakes, so now is the time to do this...

Like I said, I'm sure some of it will be real obvious soon, but if I can have the parts on hand, knowing what works while I'm installing the parts, it sure saves the hassle of running around trying to find parts and stopping the install.
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