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Old 04-21-2017, 12:21 PM   #2
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Re: shorter shocks and bump stops

Forgot to mention when I checked with LMC, they seem to say that the drop spindles don't affect the suspension. This is what I seem to recall as well, so I'm guessing until I crank down on the torsion, I'll be good. I'm just not sure at that point. I have no clue how much I'll crank down on the bars....CPP told me the 4" HD Coil in the rear and the 2-1/2" spindle sets it about level, so I'm guessing 1-2" drop via torsion will be about right.

LMC also seems to say around a 4" drop coil in the rear you need lowered shocks. Do I just measure the distance from the perches then buy a shock that fits that length? Do I need a special shock or just any in the correct length from the parts store?

Part of my plan for the shop to do is replace set the torsion bars, with correct stance, back up so they aren't hanging down to catch stuff.
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